The Lab Sports Academy is hosting on the NOVEMBER 9th 2014 7th ANNUAL HARBOR TO PIER SWIM MEET.

INVITATION goes out to: 1. The SXM Aquatic Federation,. 2. The Super splash Swim Team, . 3. Franky Swim School, 4. The Triple C swimming institute, 5. The French Side Swim Academy, 6. No Limits Swim school, 7. SXM Coast Guard,           8. Sherriff Security 9. Carib Swim Team, 10. Other individual Swimmers local  & Internationals.


CATEGORIES: SHORT  (1.3Km) & LONG DISTANCE (2.8Km) Youth & Open class. SIGN UP: ARRIVAL TIME: 6:00 AM at CIRUS WATHEY SQUARE, DEPARTURE IN ONE BUS TO THE HARBOR 6:30 AM. START SWIM 7:00 AM SHARP.                                         Registration  COST US$ 10 –  Members & Athletes 12 and Under US$ 6,-

All participants receives a commemorative T – Shirt & Breakfast curtesy of BARE FOOT RESTUARANT  on the Board Walk.

SAFETY & SUPERVISION:  BY Coast Guard & Sheriff Security.

Should you require more information please contact us at:                                     LAB Sports Academy- Phone: 5879089.


Thanking you in advance for your Cooperation.

Mr. Les A. Brown –  Sports Coordinator Lab Sports Academy.