Business Information Session Postponed to Friday October 24th 2014.

The Department of Statistics (STAT) & The Chamber of Commerce & Industry (COCI) informs the Business community and invited guests that due to the passing of Hurricane Gonzalo this week, the Business Information Session scheduled for this Friday evening is postponed to next Friday, October 24th 2014.

The event has been organized by STAT in a joint collaboration with COCI, as an activity to commemorate Caribbean Statistics Day (this past Wednesday), and to provide especially the private sector on St. Maarten with information regarding annual surveys that can impact businesses each year. Additionally, STAT will share recent economic & general statistical information while COCI will present updates on its regulations, registry and 2015 plans.

This important session will take place at the Belair Community Center, on Friday October 24th 2014, starting at 7pm. The decision to postpone this event by one week, was taken especially for persons & businesses who may still be dealing with the effects of Hurricane Gonzalo. Both STAT & COCI is optimistic that with the new date, there will be a strong turnout from the business community, where information and feedback can be exchanged between all stakeholders.

Invitees are kindly reminded to RSVP via telephone number 549-0235 or email: