On Wednesday October 15th the Minister of Justice Dennis Richardson paid an official visit to the Philipsburg Police Station, where he was given a presentation regarding the ongoing intense police controls. A Special Police team has been busy with controls in getting rid of illegal fire-arms on the island. During this six week period which started in September of this year, the Special Police Team no less than 34 illegal fire-arms were confiscated while conducting their controls. These controls were carried out because of the large amount of fire-arms circulating the streets, the increase of the amount armed robberies, the many other criminal acts, such as manslaughter, assault and threat taking place on the island. The minister was quite impressed with the results of these controls and encouraged the team to continue with the great work they are doing. The Chief Public Prosecutor Karola van Nie, The Acting Chief of Police Commissioner Carl John and the Chief Commissioner of Police Peter de Witte were present during the presentation.