I have fought the fight, finished the race and now I am sweetly resting in the arms of my Master.
Patricia Jane Amelia Pantophlet
Affectionately known as Patsy, Tanty Patsy
Sunrise: June 2, 1957
Sunset: August 1, 2014
She leaves to mourn:
Sisters & Brothers:
Mercedes Pantophlet , Member of Parliament George Pantophlet, Antonio Pantophlet, Rafael Pantophlet, Robert Pantophlet, Rory Pantophlet , Rita Pantophlet, Clemencia Dixen-Pantophlet Raymond Pantophlet, Roxsana Pantophlet
Nieces & Nephews:
Stafford, Gregory & Jamila Pantophlet & fam ,Richie Pantophlet & fam, Mitchell & Marquita Davis, Vanessa & Bryan Hodge & fam, Jennifer & Jamie Pantophlet, Lavern Janga & fam, Patricia Zulaika Maduro & fam, Zychiel Pantophlet & fam, Rafael, Zaylon & Zyliene Pantophlet, Zurien Leal Mejia, Nadine Johnson & fam, Nichole Rosalia & fam, Lisandra, Rory Jr & Josiah Pantophlet, Riegnald Arrindell & fam Tiffany Dixen & fam, T’Keyah Dixen, Rayborne Pantophlet & fam ,Raymond Jr,Raheem & Rashad Pantophlet, Michael Clark, Elijah Whitfield and Kimani Pantophlet
Brothers in law: Maurice Dixen, Gilbert Jacott
Sisters in law: Augustine Pantophlet, Marva Pantophlet-Gumbs, Lisar Pantophlet-Sorhaindo, Sorayda Pantophlet-Whitfield and Jacky Vrolijk
Aunts & Uncles:
Mercedes Daal-Pantophlet & fam, Cynthia Anthony-Pantophlet & fam, Ramona & Janet Godet & fam, Andrea Liddie & fam, Cyril Williams & fam, Georgette Pantophlet & fam
Children of the late: Polita, Randolf, Antonio, Beryl, Eulalie Pantophlet, Eunita Halley-Pantophlet Leonie Linzey – Pantophlet, Ruby Wilson-Pantophlet , Jimmy Lake, Irma Godet, Irad , Leolyne, Horris & Willy Godet, Albert, Austin & Samuel Woodley
Special Godchildren: George Jones, Eardley “Junny” Woodley, Tiffany Dixen, Josiah Pantophlet
Special friends:
Thelma Kingsale, Sharon Richardson, Grace Granger, Etienne Barry, Norma Phillips, Omaira Gario, Abraham Milton, Maisy Richardson, Frank & Joy Arnell ,Keith Franca, Antonia Wilson, Orlando Richardson, Lincoln Belas, Earl Baas, Leslie & Louis Lake, Carl & Bobby Miller, Big D, Alberto Brooks, Dj Ruby, Eric Wiel, Daphne St. Rose ,Cheryl Dangleben-York and the entire York family, Raymond Jesserun, Melanie Peter, Ministry of Labour & Social Welfare, Minister Cornelius De Weever, Peggy –Ann Dros, Philipsburg Methodist Church Congregational Stewards, Methodist Church family, Class 30, Jim Ferris, WICSU-PSI, Claire Elshot, WITU, WICLU, WIHCUA, WIFOL, ABVO, SMCU, PSU, National Alliance family, Zephlon Lindo, Chuchubi Foundation, Alzheimer’s Foundation, volunteers of the Pantophlet Villa Foundation and the Tangerine Rd, St Peters neighbors
Special thanks to: Dialysis Unit, Antonio Pantophlet, Dr.Spencer, Dr. Wynter, Dr. Nadery and the ICU Dept.
She was related to:
Pantophlet, Godet, Dixen, Arrindell ,Hook, Woodley ,Jones, Wilson, Daal, Smith ,Maduro, Mariet, Liddie, Anthony, Carty, Flanegin, Dick, Principaal, Violenus, Brill, Priest, Cornet, Leonard, Baptist, Prescod, Brooks, Hodge, Wyatt, Williams, Lake, Davis, Bromet ,Schmidt, Griffin, Phillips, Richardson and other families too numerous to mention.
We sincerely apologize if in our grief we have forgotten to mention any family or friends.
Thanksgiving service: August 15, 2014
Place: The Philipsburg Methodist Church on Frontstreet
Viewing & Tributes: 1:00 pm-2:30pm
Service: 2:30pm
Interment: Cul de Sac Cemetery
In lieu of flowers, a donation can be made to the Alzheimer’s Foundation WIB acc# 08048609 or the Pantophlet Villa Foundation at WIB $ acc# 807601-04
The Family requests that there be no visitors after the funeral.