Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), hereby announces there will be interruption to the traffic flow at the intersection Welfare Road/Billy Folly Road on Sunday, July 13.
Infrastructural works will start on Sunday at 5.00am until 5.00pm.
The partial road closure is in connection with United Telecommunications Company (UTS) fibre optic cable project. Cable will be laid from Cappucino Bar & Restaurant up to the Coast Guard Sub Station Building across from the Police Sub Station.
Road works are also taking place on the Welfare Road in the vicinity of Tropicana Casino and is in connection with the UTS project.
TelEm is also carrying out infrastructure works along with Airport Road in the vicinity of the Red Cross Building.
Motorists and pedestrians are requested to be vigilant and observant for the traffic directional signs indicating what works are underway in the respective area, and that heavy equipment is also being used.
Ministry VROMI apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause.