St. Maarten Table Tennis Federation (S.M.T.T.F.) members of the board and players would like to invite all to the Annual Radjouki Birthday knockout tournament on Saturday March 22nd at the Sports Auditorium starting at 10.00am.
Radjouki who is currently recovering from a surgery said that he understood that the kids were very enthusiast during training for the past weeks gearing up to this annual event. He further stated that everyone wants the honors to impress their coach with their skills and techniques in the sport.
The coach also wanted to give a big thank you to Julian Rollocks and Don Hughes who have supported all 27 of the tournaments over the years.
Our board is working hard to blow life into the sport according to the slogan " the sport that young and old can get high on". Interesting things are being prepared by the Federation in an effort to increase the membership.
We will continue to showcase the talent of our members throughout the region, S.M.T.T.F said in a press release on Thursday.