The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams opened the Kingdom Justice Ministers Meeting at Divi Resort on Wednesday. The meeting, which involves all of the Justice Ministers of the Dutch Kingdom and their Cabinet members and support staff was one of the first major Kingdom level meetings for 2014.
The Prime Minister welcomed the delegates and wished them a fruitful meeting; "Allow me to welcome you warmly to St. Maarten and wish you very fruitful discussions. It is also opportune to wish you all the very best for 2014 for yourselves, your cabinets and families. I know your time is extremely short but I hope that you get the opportunity to still enjoy St. Maarten. I wish that in other areas the kind of respect for one another, acknowledging that we all have our challenges and we all have some strengths that we share with one another for us to come together to exchange ideas and best practices on the basis of equality, respect and understanding. The area of combatting criminality is a very complex area and a matter of great concern and giving all people of the Kingdom a feeling of safety and security is top priority. And to Minister Richardson I want to thank you for hosting this meeting so early in the year for these fruitful discussion and St. Maarten is ready to accommodate that," stated the PM.
The meeting featured delegations headed by Ministers Navarro of Curacao, Minister Dowers of Aruba and Minister Opstelten of the Netherlands and was hosted by Minister Dennis Richardson of St. Maarten.