Department of Social Services in partnership with private sector and Rotary

The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development & Labor solidified its push to enter into partnership agreements with private sector entities in December 2013. The Department of Labor Affairs – under the umbrella of the award-winning program – SEI Employability through Training has already successfully partnered with various businesses to ensure sustainable employment for those registered as unemployed.


"The mantra ‘Putting People First’ must live within each facet of my Ministry – and I intend to hold my Management Team accountable to making this happen," said Minister de Weever.

As a show of further dedication to address the needs of the people – The Department of Social Services partnered with Prime Distributors and Rotary Club- and received 100 food baskets for immediate distribution to those in need during the festive Holiday Season. Social Workers, Case Managers joined Minister de Weever in the distribution of the baskets throughout the community.

Minister de Weever stated that his Ministry will continue to work diligently in areas that affect the needs of the people, and will therefore make it top priority to forge on going partnerships with the private sector.