Minister Lake says urgent review needed for emergency services dispatch center

The Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake says an urgent review is needed with respect to the emergency services coordination dispatch center.

This urgency comes after much discussion related to the alleged untimely response of the emergency services regarding a fire that razed several buildings in Philipsburg on Wednesday morning.


Minister Lake plans to meet with the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Public Health to discuss the current status of the country’s emergency services coordination dispatch center.

"One emergency services coordination dispatch center is essential and is part of country Sint Maarten’s response in consolidating calls that come to the Police, Ambulance and Fire Services into one dispatch center.

"This makes responding to an emergency more efficient and effective therefore offering the best service to the people and our visitors. During the six-month hurricane season this would also be a plus.

"The current Fire/Ambulance Station in Cay Hill should serve as the central location for such a dispatch. In an emergency situation we are dealing with life and death situations and the protection of property. The staff or persons working in such a center would need to have the proper training in order to be able to handle calls during an emergency situation.

"Let us get down to basics and use the existing technology and infrastructure that we have in place to provide a coordinated dispatch service from the Fire/Ambulance Station in Cay Hill. At least this back to basics approach could be implemented as soon as possible in the interests of the people and visitors to our island," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Thursday.

PHOTO CUTLINE: Minister Hon. Maurice Lake.