The Inspection Department TEZVT – LVV informs individuals who import agricultural, animal and seafood products to resell that approved import rules and guidelines have to be followed. These conditions have been implemented to protect human, animal and plant health.
Part of the responsibilities of the Inspection Department TEZVT – Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (LVV) which is part of the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications, includes the issue of pre-entry application forms and the inspection of agricultural, animal and fruit products when they arrive in the country via inter-island ferries. The process and forms have been approved by the Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunications.
Individuals desirous of importing agricultural, animal or seafood products must fill out and submit an import application form. This must be done at least five (5) working days prior to the arrival of the products and will give adequate time for the preparation of the import permission. Individuals importing agricultural products from within the region have to comply with enhanced import protocols that have been put into place at our port border control points.
Prior to any produce leaving an inter-island vessel, TEZVT and/or IVSA inspectors will first check if all paperwork is in order; an inspection of the produce will be carried out; and once everything is in order, only then will the importer/distributor will be allowed to approach the vessel and take away the products for sale.
Sint Maarten as part of the Caribbean community is obligated to comply with international laws, rules and regulations. The measures are to identify and mitigate potential risks to the country; contribute to global food security by meeting our international obligations; and ensure community wellbeing.
For further information and to request permits, you can visit The Inspection Department TEZVT-LVV at Cannegieter Street (next to the Sister Borgia School) in Philipsburg or call 520-7213 or email