Prime Minister Encourages Voice of Our Children Community to Continue Spreading Awareness on Youth

"Give a Voice to the Voiceless"

The Prime Minister on Saturday thanked the Voice of Our Children Foundation for their efforts in bringing the issues that effect young people in the community of St. Maarten towards the forefront. The Prime Minister’s comments came while she was addressing a fairly sized crowd after a Voice of Our Children March addressing issues such as bullying, teenage pregnancy, and self mutilation.


The Prime Minister expressed her thanks to the organization and encouraged the VOOC to continue with their eventual work in the community. "Thank you VOOC for bringing yet another issue that effects our children to the forefront. I would like to thank the Voice of Our Children for in fact organizing an event such as this one. To encourage children to raise awareness amongst their peers and the general population of St. Maarten at large regarding issues that affect our young people. Voice of Our Children Foundation, you have taken it upon yourselves to not only raise issues that effect our young people but to also raise those issue that are not spoken about and considered taboo. I thank all of the young people and their supporters for having walked here this evening to bring the issues to the attention of the public. I encourage you to lend your voice and ears to your pears about items such as self-mutilation, bullying and teenage pregnancy here on St. Maarten. I would like to encourage you to speak up and be the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves, concluded the Prime Minister.