The first of the series of the Ombudsman District Information Sessions was kicked off on Tuesday October 8th 2013 at the University of St Martin.
After the introduction of the staff of Bureau Ombudsman and a synopsis of the Role of the Ombudsman by the Secretary General, Ms. Patricia Philips; the Complaints Procedures were outlined by the Legal Advisor of the Bureau, Mr. Marlon Hart. The Ombudsman Dr. Nilda Arduin explained the Standards of Proper Conduct and introduced the word “Propriety”, meaning proper conduct, to the audience. The importance of Good Governance and the rights and obligations of the public, the relationship between Government and Citizens, were some of the topics presented. The Ombudsman stressed the importance of social and political awareness of the citizens in promoting good governance, and explained the application of the ‘standards of proper conduct’ when the Bureau evaluates the complaints filed with the Ombudsman. The standards of proper conduct applied by the Ombudsman are internationally developed in democratic countries, and are used to evaluate if propriety (behoorlijkheid) is being observed by government, government bodies and agencies, in dealing with the public. Actions of civil servants and private entities charged with government tasks are also sources for investigation.
The Complaint Officer, Mrs. Lysandra William-Crestian presented two cases investigated by Bureau Ombudsman to the audience for discussion, and understanding of ‘propriety’. A lively interaction followed on the outcome of the investigations and the recommendations provided to government in these practical cases, after the audience had the opportunity to review the standards of proper conduct during a short break.
At the closing of the evening the president of the USM and the representatives of the foundations present were presented with the Annual Report 2012 by the Ombudsman.
The General public is invited to come out to the following Information Sessions that will be held at the Belvedere Community Center on October 15th 2013, followed by the Rupert Maynard Youth Center in St Peters on October 22nd 2013 and at the Salvation Army on October 29th 2013 in Cole Bay.