On Sunday, September 21st at approximately 02.20 p.m. police patrols, detectives and Forensic Department were directed to a home on Ginger road in the Yogesh Building to investigate a possible suicide. On the scene the investigating officers encountered the husband of the victim who stated that he had left the house at approximately 07.45 a.m. to go to work. It is customary for the victim, a 28 year old female from India, to call her husband during lunch time. On Saturday, that was not the case. After several attempts to contact the victim by phone, her husband went to the house and found the victim hanging from a cloth tied around her neck. The husband tried to resuscitate the victim without any success. Dr. Mercuur pronounced the death of the victim. The body of the victim was confiscated for investigation by the Forensic Department. The reason for this victim taking her life is still under investigation by the Detective Department.