As a result of the UNICEF report presented at the end of May "Koninkrijkskinderen, kinderrechten in Caribisch Nederland" ("Children of the Kingdom" juvenile rights in Caribbean Netherlands); Karin Kloosterboer is coming to the Caribbean Netherlands to give presentations and workshops to professionals working with the youth.
Presentations professionals
From September 12th till September 21st Karin Kloosterboer from UNICEF Netherlands will be in Caribbean Netherland.. She is the one who set up the report "Koninkrijkskinderen". She did the investigations about the situation of the juvenile rights within the Caribbean Netherlands. The report was presented and handed over to the Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations, Ronald Plasterk, on May 23rd at a symposium in Leiden. She will give different presentations and workshops to professionals working with the youth in the youth chain on the three islands. Also a number of guest lectures will be given at SGB Bonaire, the Saba Comprehensive School and the Sacred Hearth School on Saba. . On September 12th there is a conference planned for the professionals on Bonaire. On September 16th and 17th these take place on Saba and on September 19th and 20th on St. Eustatius. As a result of the report every professional present will be challenged during the conference to think about ways to solve the complex issues.
Public gatherings
On Saturday September 14th between 11 and 12 o’clock there will be a presentation given by Karin Kloosterboer about the juvenile rights at Jong Bonaire. She gives similar presentations on September 17th on Saba and September 19th on St. Eustatius. Everyone interested is more than welcome to come. The topics that are on the program are: what are juvenile rights, why juvenile rights, the most important juvenile rights, fears and worries about juvenile rights. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions and have a discussion.
Information about the symposium of May 23rd 2013 and the reports per island can be found on the website of UNICEF. There is also a summary of the reports that can be downloaded.