Nation Building To Be Central Topic on Prime Minister’s Radio Program on Friday

PM: "National Development Belongs to the People of St. Maarten"

During the Council of Ministers Press Briefing on Wednesday the Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams announced that one of the major points of discussion during her upcoming weekly call-in radio program will be the National Building Process as it pertains to the National Development Plan.


The Prime Minister commented that during the work plan that was developed in January 2013 various activities, including the engaging of the public in the Nation Building Process, were outlined.

"In ensuring that the process of nation building and national development belongs to the people of St Maarten the community should be made aware of many of the plans which are currently ongoing to include all in building this nation. It Does not matter whether you were born here or whether you belong here; in order to craft a vision for St. Maarten we need the input from all in making this island one of the leaders of sound democratic and people oriented governance in the region. We need the input from all sectors of society to plot the course for our economic, social, cultural and environmental development. The development for a Country which we call home, one which we all should love and cherish. I, as Prime Minister of that Country, look forward to working with all of the people of St. Maarten in making that a reality," commented the Prime Minister.

One on One with the Prime Minister, the PM’s weekly call in radio program, will allow listeners the opportunity to do exactly what the title of the show suggests; to go One on One with the Prime Minister on various pertinent topics within the community and government. The program has a call in format and will allow the listener to ask pertinent questions directly to the Prime Minister on various topics, including Nation Building. The show airs weekly every Friday from nine to ten on 98.1 Pearl FM and callers can call in on 5430462 or via sending an email to