NIPA offering AVE education

The Board for Advanced Vocational and Adult Education is proud to unveil the name of the new AVE "SBO" Institute that is scheduled to begin serving the community as early as September 2013.


The official name of the new SBO Institute which is in its final construction stage, is the National Institute for Professional Advancement or NIPA for short. NIPA will be providing the local community as well as persons from the neighboring islands with the opportunity to follow courses/programs in advanced vocational education and adult education.

The Board is currently in the process of creating a logo for the new institute and can already divulge that the centerpiece of this logo will be the Nipa palm. The Nipa palm, which coincides with the name of the institute, is the only palm which trunk grows beneath the ground and only the leaves and flower stalk grow upwards above the surface. Similar to the characteristics of the Nipa palm, the trunk below the surface symbolizes NIPA’s vision.

The Board would also like to inform the public that NIPA will be holding a registration drive in the month of August. Exact dates and times will be provided in a subsequent press release. However, the Board can already inform all persons interested in registering next month, to please bring along a copy of your registration form provided by the Census, valid identification, a copy of your diploma and (if applicable) a copy of the list of marks when coming to register. Registration will be held at the NIPA Institute located in Cay Hill next to the Asha Stevens Primary School (behind Raoul Illidge Sports Complex) during the month of August.

This project is being funded by USONA via the Innovations in Educations project.