In preparation for hurricane season
Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake is calling on residents of the Cay Hill district to heed the call of the Cay Hill Community Council to help clean their district on Saturday.
All debris should be placed in dumpsters on Saturday and trucks will empty the dumpsters on Sunday.
"We are in the hurricane season, and it’s an individual responsibility to keep their premises around their homes and businesses clean.
"Besides, premises should be kept clean all the time. Debris being a hurricane threat, also harbors mosquito’s which cause disease and vermin such as rats, mice and flies.
"The clean-up appeal by the Council serves keeping the Cay Hill community debris free and lessening the threat from any flying items due to the passing of a storm. At the same time, potential public health issues are also eliminated because contains that can hold water and become a breeding ground for the dengue mosquito is eliminated.
"The removal of old car parts and wrecks also limits the harboring of vermin therefore once again eliminating any public health issues. A clean environment, a clean neighborhood contributes to the improvement in the quality of life of the people living in that community.
"I commend the Cay Hill Community Council and the Community Police Officer for the initiatives and work that they have been doing to date," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Wednesday.
Ministry of VROMI is an integral part of the country’s disaster management system known as Emergency Support Function (ESF-3).