Prime Minister attends the I Love my Ram Ramgoat Competition in Colombier

Encourages Communities of Both Sides of the Island to Support the Ram Beauty Contest

The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams opened the annual Ram Goat Competition Beauty contest in Colombier on Sunday. The Prime Minister, who has been a staunch supporter of the event since it first started in 2000, commented that she was once again "very happy and grateful to be once again able to attend this beautiful occasion in a beautiful part of St. Maarten. It is good to be here and to be able to spend some quality and cultural time at Colombier to once again mark this very special event which is very dear to my heart."


Caption: Reigning Ram King Chalkdust poses for the Prime Minister as she takes his photo

The Prime Minister gave a special welcome to all those who spend much of their time caring for and being excellent managers for the numerous ram goats, without which the competition would not be possible.

"I would like to see more entries into the competition and I think that it behooves the I Love My Ram Association and Governments of both sides of the island to look at ways to make sure that this show is able to continue for the enjoyment and the education of the people of St. Maarten. We should think on how we can promote the animals and the show so that we can be here every year. I encourage all the goat keepers to continue doing their excellent jobs", continued the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister and Territorial Councilman Daniel Gibbs also presented a token of appreciation to representatives from Presidente beer, which has been the sponsor for the very special and popular beauty contest.