Prime Minister Elaborates on Corporate Social Responsibility:

"public and private sectors should pool all of its resources and discuss areas on which the focus should be placed"

Says one focus should be on youth

During her weekly call-in radio program One on One with the Prime Minister on 98.1 FM, the Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams again stressed the need for corporate social responsibility in the community of St. Maarten.


Her comments during the radio program echoed the ones the PM made at the Social and Economic Council (SER) Symposium on the 12th of June.

"I was quite pleased by the SER initiative to cover the topic of corporate responsibility and the fact that our advisory councils are organizing these types events is exemplary; they give the population the opportunity to deliberate and engage in the development of their country.

"At a time when Government is looking at ways to continue to move St. Maarten forward, you see businesses participating in many activities. But what should be made clear is that next to the bottom line, what is it that drives businesses and corporations to contribute to the community in which they make their money. If we can come to an understanding regarding where the most emphasis should be put in moving our community forward that would be an important achievement. I therefore highlight the initiative of the National Development Plan in seeking to bring a common vision by any St. Maarten or groups as businesses as to where we want St. Maarten to go. I believe we have laid the groundwork for the businesses to focus on its contribution to society.

The PM continued by stating that, as a society, the public and private sectors should pool all of its resources and discuss areas on which the focus should be placed in bringing corporate social responsibility to the forefront; "For example: our youth is a sector where considerable focus should be placed, both in financial terms as well as reaching out to them. Rehabilitation programs are a real example of this. These are the discussions we should be having with regards to corporations talking about the country of St. Maarten.

"We should spearhead efforts where we produce quality investments that not only assists the corporations in growing and moving forward but the community in general. The private sector is also needing from Government action as well in ensuring that it is being completed," stated the Prime Minister.