Participant received a minigrant (Naf 3000) from the funding agency Cooperating Foundations

In the picture you see: Gianne De Weever of Cooperating Foundations handing a cheque to Zahira Hilliman of Participant. Officials of the funding agency and of the Student teaching Student Program are looking on.

The orgnaization Participant receiving a minigrant (Naf 3000) from the funding agency Cooperating Foundations of the Dutch Caribbean to finance their closing ceremony of "Student teaching Students" in Belair Community Center. The Advisory Council of the Cooperating Foundations was very pleased to see the enormous enthusiasm in the young teachers, cheering each other on, and the quality of the performances of the participating kids after just 4 workshops from their young teachers. Student teaching Students aims at creating more students’interest in the profession of teaching and increasing to fun to learn in primary school children.