BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, MARCH 26TH (CUOPM) – A Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) project financed via the Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) is expected to improve the quality of life and enhance the safety of residents and road users.
Work on the EC$379.600,000 project which began in January involves the construction of just over 4,000 linear feet of walkway throughout the entire length of the village.
BNTF Officer Mr. Osbert DeSuza told the Communications Unit in the Office of the Prime Minister (CUOPM) that one section will be constructed on the sea side and the other on the mountain side.
"Construction of 1,685 linear feet of retaining walls to protect private property is also a part of the project," said Mr. DeSuza, who disclosed that there is also a component to provide formal training in environmental issues.
"There were three community meetings to secure the community’s contribution. There is also a component to provide formal training in environmental issues," said Mr. DeSuza.
He said the purpose of the project is to enhance pedestrian safety in that community and improve access.
The Barbados-based Caribbean Development Bank approved the project on 26th March 2012.
Mr. Murchison Best of Best Associates is assigned as engineering consultant and following the receipt of three bids opened on 26th September 2012, the contract was awarded to Mr. Ivan Stevens of Keys Village.
The contract was signed on 12th December 2012 and work commenced on 21st January 2013. It is expected to be completed by the end of April.
Photos of the works that are taking place in the Keys Community (Photos & Story by Erasmus Williams)