U.S. Government Meets with Regional Partners in Curacao


Improve Coastal and Maritime Security in the Caribbean

Two U.S. Government speakers participated in the Caribbean Basin Coastal Surveillance and Maritime Security Summit (CABSEC) at the Santa Barbara Resort in Curacao today, March 13. During his morning presentation, U.S. State Department Director for Anti-Crime Programs, David Luna, said "To the Caribbean nations and partners from the international donor and law enforcement communities: the United States stands ready to continue working with you to reduce illicit trafficking across our hemisphere and beyond, and to shield our citizens from the growing threats of transnational crime, corruption, and terrorism… These same networks are also trafficking humans, weapons, natural resources, and counterfeits that pose health and safety risks." In his remarks, he also said that "we applaud Brigadier General Dick Swijgman and the Netherlands Forces in the Caribbean for their efforts and leadership in disrupting and dismantling drug-trafficking and illicit networks."


Mr. Luna’s full remarks, entitled, "Towards an Archipelago of Security across the Caribbean: US stresses collective action to combat transnational crime, corruption, money laundering" delivered today at Caribbean Basin Coastal Surveillance and Maritime Security 2013 can be found at http://www.state.gov/j/inl/rls/rm/2013/205899.htm The same afternoon, U.S. Brigadier General Linda Urrutia-Varhall, United States Southern command Director for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance, also gave a presentation on the Whole of Society Approach to Intelligence Sharing (WISRD).

The CABSEC conference was an opportunity for the United States to collaborate with our partners in the Caribbean to strengthen our common security and to create safer and prosperous communities for our citizens. This approach is based on a holistic understanding of security that encompasses new and traditional threats to the safety of our citizens. Citizen safety is grounded on recognition of our shared responsibility for security challenges, the critical importance of the rule of law and legitimate and effective institutions of governance, and common aspirations for stable and secure societies. Our approach includes and extends well beyond traditional counter-trafficking concerns, embracing as well such needs as rising domestic crime rates.