Prime Minister Douglas chides Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Calls on it to share empirical data that investment climate is damaged The Federation’s Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas is taking issue with a press release…

SCDF presents strategic marketing plan, goals to Council of Ministers

~ New travel initiatives roll out next week ~ The St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF) presented its marketing plan and long term marketing strategy to the Council of Ministers…

De Weever announces Labour Day Parade for Carnival 2013 and beyond

Minister of Labour Cornelius De Weever on Thursday announced that the annual "Second Day Parade" of the Carnival festivities will henceforth be known as the Labour Day Parade. It will…

MP James Questions status of Depositors fromBanktrupt Christian Kingdom Cooperative

I am wondering what has happened to the depositors of the Christian Kingdom Cooperative (CKC)? CKC went belly up and into bankruptcy. Approximately US$1.5 million was lost when CKC went…

Blue Mall stores to spread the love for Valentine’s Day

There is love in the air at Blue Mall in Cupecoy. A host of in-store specials are designed to make shopping for the perfect Valentine’s Day gift a pleasure. Adding…

Particularly new station ship in Caribbean

A maritime historic event will take place next Monday, February 11th place in the port of Willemstad. HNLMS Friesland, one of the newest ships of the Royal Navy, sails for…

Koi Resorts announces development for St. Kitts

BASSETEERE, ST. KITTS, FEBRUARY 6TH 2013 (CUOPM) – A multi-million resort that will contribute to the economic growth of St. Kitts and Nevis has been announced. The announcement was made…