LAB Sport Academy Workshop

LAB Sport Academy had a visit from Anguilla skipping rope champion Super Floyd Gibbons and Reheem Hughes.

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These two upcoming talented skipping instructors took part in 3 workshops in St.Maarten. These workshops were held at the Raoule Illidge Sports Complex, the Belvedere Community Center and in the PSVE high school gym. The purpose of these workshops was gear towards getting the youth of St.Maarten more active in skipping rope. The valuable part of skipping rope is that it does not cost much to participate in that sport. It improves activity and creativity amongst the youth and is a very health conscious sport. The main goal of having these workshops is to bring the awareness to the children and to the schools of the positive side of skipping. The workshop is geared to all ages and was broken down into 5 phases:

1. Beginners Phase: of learning to skip and learning how to turn the rope.

2. Advance Phase Skipping: gears towards tricks and speed.

3. Artistic Skipping: gears towards team work and cerography

4. Free style skipping: individual as well as team execution.

5. Double Dutch

These workshops will be taken place most frequently in the future and we will be looking forward to going into the school, teaching the phases mentions above and in the long run have the different schools compete against each other. We will be looking forward to having the different instructors’ instructor at the different school teaching the teacher to teach the art of skipping. Children or parents interested in skipping can contact the LAB Sports Academy by the following phone number: 5879089 or for more information on skipping rope.