The Lab Sports Academy, hosted its first Tennis event for the Year 2012 over the weekend.
This event was held at two different Tennis Parks. On Friday January 27th we held the opening and signing up at the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex Tennis Pavilion. On Saturday the 28th the Caravan moved to the Port de Pleasance Tennis & Country Club, where the first round was held. We had a Total turnout of 23 Players, the organization had expected a larger turnout. But all in all it was a succesfull event where we saw participation in 5 different categories boys as well as Girls.
1. Beginners. Winners Franklin Ensprehos, sub Winner Junior Komodihadge, by the boys & Winner Julianne Richardson by the Girls and runner up Mosha Komodihage.
2. Under 10. Winners Quair Hodge by the Boys, runner up Pedro Rombley & Shantal Hughes by the Girls.
3. Under 13. Winner by the Boys Kemy Gibs, runner up was Maxime Sacobelli. By the Girls Winner was Melanie Wilkesman. The competition in this Categorie was dominated by the Frenchside players. Especially player Kemy Gibs was the player of the match. He was only 10 years old but dominated the under Thirteen bracket. Same goes for Melanie Wilkesman player from the American Tennis club of Ansmarcell was untouchable.
4. Under 15. In this Category we had as Champion Raymond Rombley and Second place Jason Smith. Jason Won from Raymond but played less matches and accumulated less points.
5. Open Class: In this class we had Dwayn Jollie as winner. In the last two categories we did not have any participation of girls.
The Board is working on getting more girls to participate. Should any girls be interested to join the sport of Tennis, they can call the Lab Sports Academy at the following phone number. 5879089. Location is Cay hill upper site the medical Center emergency entrance. Days of training are on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Extra Training on Saturday & Sundays 4:00 PM / 6:00 PM.
Big Thank you goes out to the Oyster Bay Resort who made this Tournament Possible, the Board and the Grass root athletes of the Lab Sports Academy are looking forward to their continued support.
What is next for the Lab sports Academy is that in February we will be preparing Athletes to take part in the Proctor Track & Field Classic. The objective is to try and pre select potential candidates who will may have a chance to take part in the Up Coming CARIFTA GAMES, if they meet the required standards. The qualifying for the Carifta Games will be organized by the Track & Field Federation. The Carifta Games of 2012 will be held over the Easter Week end in BERMUDA