Host Speedy Plus, in collaboration with Lab Sports Academy from dutch St. Maarten and Avenir Sportif of the French side organized the National Cross Country race over the weekend.
This event was held at the La Galion Beach on the French side, the race got started at 8:00 AM and had a turnout of approximately 200 athletes, ranging from six to twenty three years old. (Birth dates 2003 to plus 1992)
This event was a great success and was the first in it,s kind opening the start of a official Track & Field working relation between north and South St. Maarten. This event was sponsored by the Track & Field Administration of Guadeloupe.
All winners received their medals and all other athletes also received a medal commemorating the taking part in this prestigious event.
After the race all athletes were treated to a sandwich and a juice. A big thank you goes out to the organizing committee of the Speedy Plus Track & Field administration.