Belastingdienst to visit companies to check loonheffing

As of November 24th, Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland will start to visit companies to verify if the data that is registered for the loonheffing (payroll tax), corresponds to the persons ostensibly employed in the company. The employees present will be asked to identify themselves.
In this way it can be checked whether these employees are registered by their employer
for loonheffing (payroll tax). It is not announced in advance which company is visited when.

The Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland emphasizes that many companies are
following the rules. But there are also entrepreneurs who fail to meet their obligations. This has a negative effect on society. In addition, it will also disadvantage those who do fulfill their obligations; think of unfair competition. This is not only bad for the specific business sector but for the entire community as well.