Belastingdienst bezoekt bedrijven voor controle loonheffing

Vanaf 24 november gaat de Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland bedrijvenbezoeken om te controleren of de gegevens die voor de loonheffing zijnopgegeven, overeenkomen met de in het bedrijf kennelijk in loondienst werkzame…

Belastingdienst ta bishitá kompanianan pa kòntròl di ‘loonheffing’

Entrante 24 di novèmber, Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland ta bai bishitá kompanianan pa kontrolá si e informashon ku a duna pa ‘loonheffing’, ta kuadra ku personanan ku aparentemente ta traha den…

Belastingdienst to visit companies to check loonheffing

As of November 24th, Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland will start to visit companies to verify if the data that is registered for the loonheffing (payroll tax), corresponds to the persons ostensibly…

In liefdevolle herinnering aan Paul Hoetjes, een legend in natuurbehoud

Met grote en diepe droefheid moeten we afscheid nemen van Paul Hoetjes, een legende in natuurbehoud in de Caribisch deel van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en medeoprichter van de Dutch…

In loving memory of Paul Hoetjes, a legend in nature conservation

It is with great and profound sadness that we have to say good-bye to Paul Hoetjes, a legend in nature conservation in the Dutch Caribbean and cofounder of the Dutch…


The Ministry of Finance would like to remind you to apply to the Income Support for Sole Proprietors, Vendor License Holders, Bus and Independent Taxi and Tour Drivers and COVID-19…

5 years Kingdom Taskforce conference on Children’s Rights

Oranjestad – The youth experts of the countries and the public entities of the Kingdom of the Netherlands will meet again next week. During this jubilee conference the milestones that…

Domestic Violence Awareness Article

Domestic violence is a serious, ongoing problem that we are faced with. Sometimes our lack of understanding due to many of the misconceptions surrounding this issue can cause us to…

Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs meets with Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok

Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok arrived in St. Maarten on Sunday afternoon for a working visit. During his short stay, Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs managed to have an…