Proper planning needed for Mental Health Foundation

The Mental Health Foundation (MHF) receives each year subsidy from the government of St. Maarten. For 2014 the MHF received Naf 1.605.500, which was granted and approved by the Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever.
One of the conditions set by the minister was that MHF and Turning Point would share facilities and human resources. There are times when psychiatric clients are diagnosed with a dual diagnosis due to or complicated by their substance abuse. Thereby making it obvious for the cooperation between the two institutions. The condition for their cooperation was stipulated in their permit.
“In general, St. Maarten has a challenge with financial and human resources and it is in our best interest to share them,” said Minister De Weever.
The minister further stated that the need of any additional/new building(s) must be assessed properly and realistically given St. Maarten’s financial position.
“Not because this is an election year or an emotional period means that we have to rush and make irrational decisions without understanding the financial reality and the sustainability. We have seen many things built and then run down due to lack of funds for maintenance. We must be responsible and get it right,” said Minister De Weever.
It is important to note that the decision to purchase and reconstruct the cay hill property was taken given the urgency and need. After submitting a request for land way before and waiting quite some time for a reply, the MHF was left with very little choice but to buy and develop the cay hill facility in time for 10-10-10 in order to be able to take care of St. Maarten’s clients.
“As minister of Public Health Social Development & Labour, I look forward to working with all stakeholders in the interest of our past, current and unknown clients and assessing their real needs,” said Minister De Weever.