Spongebob Squarepants, Dora the Explorer and Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse are coming to St. Maarten Easter Sunday to meet with St. Maarten kids and the young at heart.
The venue for the visit will be TelEm Group’s parking lot on Pond Island.
Dora will be coming with her inseparable friend "Boots", Spongebob has promised to bring his swim trunks to take a trip to the beach while on St. Maarten, and Mickey plans to shake hands with all of St. Maarten’s youngsters.
The colourful characters are known the world over for the fun time they have entertaining children of all ages and from many different countries.
Organizers of the TelEm Group event expect Spongebob, Dora and Mickey to be smash hit on Sunday. So much so, they are now urging visitors to the fun park to turn out early so that they can meet and spend time with their favourite cartoon characters.
The TelEm Group Fun Park will be open for all from 12:00 noon until 5:00 pm, Sunday, March 31.
It will also feature a host of activities for children including:
· Rock Climbing
· Bungee Jumping
· Caricature Drawing
· Clowns and Jugglers
· Spray Painted T-Shirts
Fun Park project coordinator, Angel Richardson says Sunday’s event is TelEm Group’s way of giving back to the youth in the community and giving children the chance to take part in some fun activities during their Easter break from school.
" Everyone should come out and meet these amazing characters and have some good clean fun with their children," said Angel.
Parents are asked to pass on the word about the Fun Park to other families and friends to ensure a bumper turnout.
To allow for a smooth flow of pedestrian traffic to the TelEm Group building, parents will be asked to park in the parking lot next to the new Government building on Pond Island. This will also ease traffic congestion.
For security reasons, parents will also be asked to accompany their children to the event activities at all times.