Announcement for the Commercial Operating Boat owners and operators in Caribbean Netherlands

The Harbourmasters of Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Saba and the Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate Caribbean Netherlands (NSI-CN) like to inform the boat owners and operators of the local commercial operating vessels operating under article 41b of the regulation seagoing vessels, the so called Annex 6 vessels, about the following.
As from January 1st, 2022 the new Seafarers regulation will come in force. The implication of this new regulation for the Annex 6 vessels is the requirement for a Boat master grade 3 license.
As indicated in personal- and group meetings, this requirement has a 3 years phase in period. That means that from January 1st, 2025 every Annex 6 vessel needs to have, at least, one person with a Boat master grade 3 license onboard.
The new regulation is published in The Government Gazette and available on the Internet (Google -> stcrt-2021-38007).