Book Week kicks off

SABA—The 2021 Book Week, an annual event organized by the Queen Wilhelmina Library, was officially opened at the Sacred Heart Primary School (SHS) on Monday morning, May 24 in the presence of students and invited guests.

Caption: The official opening of the 2021 Book Week at the Sacred Heart Primary School.

This year’s theme is “The readers of today are the healthy minds of tomorrow,” created by grade 2 student Laila Hassell. This year’s Book Week design was made by form 5 student of the Saba Comprehensive School (SCS) Stephanie Hassell. Both students were recognized for their talents and received a prize from Island Governor Jonathan Johnson, who also performed the official opening of the 2021 Book Week. The Book Week Best Library Class trophy went to grade K2-B of teacher Antionette Granger.
Head librarian Joanna Simmons mentioned the importance of reading in her speech. “Everyone is trying to to be health conscious by eating healthy, walking and exercising. The more you read, the more your mind will retain what you are reading, and the more knowledge you will receive.” To the parents, she said: “Your child should hrow up with books all around and you reading to them. Books are the best gift you can give your child, certainly better than a TV or a cell phone.”
Simmons especially thanked Rosa Johnson for assisting with securing the financial support from the Public Entity Saba for the Book Week program. She thanked Satel NV for donating the 2021 Book Week t-shirts and ICS for printing the t-shirts.

Caption: Grade 2 student Laila Hassell receives her prize for creating this year’s theme from Island Governor Jonathan Johnson (right). At left, Saba Comprehensive School form 5 student Stephanie Hassell who made this year’s winning design for the book week logo, and second from left, Head librarian Joanna Simmons

Monday’s opening event started with the singing of the Saba anthem and the SHS school song, followed by two performances by grade 2 students. The event closed off with the presentation of birthday cards to students and teachers who made birthday this month, the presentation of a card of recognition to several students of the week, and a closing prayer.

Caption:. Winner Stephanie Hassell, a form 5 student of the Saba Comprehensive School who designed the 2021 Book Week logo, receives her prize from Island Governor Jonathan Johnson. At left Head librarian Joanna Simmons and second from left, the winner of this year’s book week theme Laila Hassell.

The Book Week lasts the entire week, and includes activities for all primary school classes at the Queen Wilhelmina Library from Monday through Thursday with the assistance of two nurses of the Saba Health Care Foundation (SHC). The fun and educational activities focus on health. The first two groups of children that took part in the activities on Monday loved the ride on the ambulance. On Friday, there will be a walk-a-thon from the school in St. John’s to the Queen Wilhelmina Park in The Bottom.