How to inspect your property for Mosquito Breeding Sites

The Collective Preventive Services (CPS), a government-executing department under the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, is calling on the community to inspect their yards and businesses for potential mosquito breeding sites. This is emphasized especially during rainy periods that are experienced from time to time.

Residential yards are often the # 1 source of mosquito production.

The mosquito lays their eggs which grows in standing water, and any item or container that can hold a teaspoon of water or more can serve as a breeding source for mosquitos.

They Aedes aegypti mosquito are aggressive day biters and are responsible for outbreaks of Dengue, Chikungunya, and Zika all over the world. They prefer to live close to humans and lay their eggs in small containers most often found in backyards. To protect against mosquito bites and Mosquito-Borne Disease, it is important for residents to regularly inspect their properties and remove containers where mosquito can breed. Spreading the word will encourage positive action to reduce the mosquito population by eliminating mosquito breeding sites!

Searching for sources

Walk your entire property and look for any containers both natural and manmade that will hold a teaspoon of water or more.

Categorize containers into three categories:

  1. Those that can be thrown away
  2. Those that can be scrubbed down and stored away in a dry place,
  3. Permanent fixtures that will remain in the yard and that require regular inspection.

Breeding sites include anywhere that clean (clear) water can settle. This includes tin cans, old tires, empty paint cans, buckets, old saucers, flowerpots, cemetery urns/vase, old pet dishes, unused plastic swimming pools or other containers that collect and hold water.

CPS advices the public to inspect their property weekly and immediately after it rains to dump and drain containers holding water.

To report mosquito breeding sites or to request information about eliminating mosquito breeding sites, contact the Coordinator of the Vector Program by sending an email to                       or call 542-1570, 542-1122.

Keep Sint Maarten mosquito-free. Prevention is the Cure.