As of November 9th, CPS reports an increase in the 7-day moving average. The average has increased from a short-term trend of 5-per day to 8-per day. While these numbers are still small, it reflects a 60% increase in cases over the last 10 days. The island has also sadly experienced an additional death, while 6 individuals remain hospitalized.
The recent increase can be related to a combination of factors including the  recent Halloween festivities, an increase in the PCR window for incoming travelers, phased reopening of schools, an increase in the number of test administered and the emergence of several clusters.
CPS is planning additional public health messaging campaigns in the coming weeks to remind individuals of the need to remain compliant with our public health measures – wearing masks, social distancing and washing hands – especially as we move into high season.
For today November 9th, there were 896 confirmed cases and 801 recovered cases.
In addition, we would like to remind the 72 active cases, and the 240 close contacts in quarantine, of the importance of staying home, practicing proper hygiene and wearing your mask to protect those around you.