The Public Entity of St. Eustatius will scrap the curfew as of tonight 12 PM and will also ease other measures that were taken 3 weeks ago to further prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Public Health Department sees no reason to extend the curfew as the situation on the island is contained. Bars, restaurants and casinos can reopen their doors however a maximum of 15 people is allowed to be inside. Other businesses can reopen as well, such as nail salons, barbershops and hair salons. Schools, day care centers and out of school organizations will remain closed until after the October school break. Some organizations have special protocols in place to accommodate students who need extra care and support on location.
Social gatherings are allowed with no more than 15 persons. Essential businesses such as the supermarkets, the pharmacy, the hospital, the airport, the harbor, GTI, construction sites etc., are allowed to be open with the usual opening hours. The current Emergency Ordinance nr. 13 expires Thursday October 1st at midnight. The new Emergency Ordinance no 14 referring to relaxed measures will immediately take effect on Friday October 2nd.

The reason to relax the measures is that the situation related to COVID-19 is at the moment under control. Statia has currently 9 positive cases; these persons are all in isolation. Some pending tests results came in today and are negative. Also, the request for immediate medical assistance from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS) in the Netherlands was granted. Queen Beatrice Medical Centre now has sufficient general practitioners, doctors, nurses and lab technicians and most of them will be able to work soon.

With the easing of measures, the Public Entity of St. Euststius creates a balance between public health, social life and the continuation of economic life. Social distancing of 1.5 meter should however be strictly adhered to, hygienic measures are still very important and the Public Entity strongly advises each and every one to wear a face-mask at least in public space and when in close contact with people outside your household. “While the situation is under control, Statian residents are asked not to let their guard down. COVID is still present in the world and will be for some time. We each have an individual as well as a collective responsibility to do our part in the fight against COVID’, says Marnix van Rij Government Commissioner.