Burn victim succumbs to her wounds.

The Sint Maarten Police Force were notified that the victim with initials J.J.W, who was severely burnt after being set on fire back in February of this year has succumbed to her injures.

J.J.W was flown of to Colombia for further treatment after receiving burns to over 70% of her body in the Dutch Quarter area on Saturday, February29th, 2020.
Saturday February 29th 2020 in Dutch quarter area.

The Detective Department arrested a male suspect with the initial F.W on March 3rd 2020 in connection with incident. He was later released a few days after his arrest due to lack of sufficient evidence and information on what had taken place. The investigation into case is currently still ongoing. On behalf of the Sint Maarten Police Force we would like to extend our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the deceased .