The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA) department of Collective Prevention Services (CPS), is reminding residents and visitors to adhere strictly to the COVID-19 Prevention Measures that have been promoted to protect public health against the COVID-19 virus.
The community must stay aware of the continued risk to contract the virus and how the spread of the virus can be decreased. All persons are requested to be on the alert and follow the prevention measures.
The COVID-19 disease can affect anyone, and the public should not become complacent and I think that the disease will not be back.
This disease for the time until more information is known, and medication is developed, it will be part of our existence and for this reason the ‘New Norm’ is referred to.
As a community, a people, you must know the facts about the virus and what each one of us can responsibly do to decrease the spread of the virus. So, the question to all is what you and I can do to stop the transmission of the virus.
Everyone is potentially exposed to this virus, and it is essential to observe the proper hygiene measures and prevention protocols that have been promoted during the past months of 2020.
CPS would like to remind all of the measures to break the transmission mode of the virus: Wash your hands with soap and water frequently or sanitize if there is no soap & water; Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth (face); Cough and sneeze in a tissue or your flex elbow (remember throw all used tissues in garbage bin).
Maintain a physical distance a.k.a. social distance of two (2) meters from other persons; Wear your mask where social distance is not possible and in public places as requested.
If you are sick with flu-like symptoms stay at home and call your family physician and explain to the doctor your experienced symptoms and the time the symptoms started.
If you are sick with flu like symptoms, remain isolated at home and separate yourself from your family and call your physician; If you were exposed to a person suspected/confirmed with COVID-19 quarantine at home and consult your physician or call 914 for additional information.
Call 914 for information and if locally, you do not have a doctor (physician). Stay up to date on the COVID-19 Facts.
When washing your hands with soap, this action should be at least for 20 seconds with water especially after coughing or sneezing or use hand sanitizer with 60+ per cent alcohol based.
Wash your hands after using a tissue to cough and sneeze, and when putting on and/or taking off a mask, as well as after touching/or fixing your mask.
CPS reminds the general public to continue to maintain high standards of COVID-19 prevention measures in order to keep yourself and the community safe as well as to prevent a resurgence of the virus within the country. For more official information about COVID-19 disease, go to;; tune in to Government Radio 107.9 FM; or call the CPS 914 hotline.