The Electoral Council would like to remind all political parties contesting the upcoming parliamentary elections that in accordance with the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties, the political parties are required to make their manifestos public in a timely manner.
In order for the public to make a well-informed decision, the political program of a party should be published around the date of postulation. To date, only the Party for Progress (PFP) publicized its manifesto for the 2020 parliamentary elections on Postulation day, 21 November 2019 and presented it to the Electoral Council on 4 December 2019.
In connection with the upcoming parliamentary elections, according to the articles of association of the respective political parties, their manifestos should be publicized on the following dates:
– United Democrats (United Democrats): November 21, 2019
– United People’s Party (UP): November 21, 2019
– United St. Maarten Party (US Party): latest December 12, 2019
– Party for Progress (PFP): November 21, 2019 (was published).
– St. Maarten Christian Party (SMCP): latest December 10, 2019.
– People’s Progressive Alliance (P.P.A.): November 21, 2019
– National Alliance (NA): around December 20, 2019
Additionally, it is stipulated in the articles of association of the United Democrats, the UP and the P.P.A., that their manifestos shall be submitted to the Electoral Council two (2) weeks prior to postulation date.
The Electoral Council is of the opinion that all manifestos should be available for the public, with less than twenty (20) days remaining for the 2020 Parliamentary Elections. The six political parties that have failed to publicize their political programs in due time, are strongly urged to do so without further delay.