Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, says that World Health Day (WHD) 2016 which is commemorated on April 7, will focus on Diabetes: Beat It!
“Be Aware, get Diabetes Care” is Sint Maarten’s own locally flavoured slogan for WHD.
Diabetes is a largely preventable and treatable disease that is rapidly increasing globally. It is a chronic disease, that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.
There are three types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes which is the most frequent among children and adolescents; type 2 diabetes which is the most frequent among adults and it is linked to obesity or overweight, lack of physical activity and poor nutrition; and gestational diabetes which is a complication of pregnancy.
Statistics from the Census 2011 of the Department of Statistics show that Diabetes is the second most prevalent disease for residents of Sint Maarten. The age group hardest hit is generally the population in the age bracket of 50-54 year olds.
According to a local General Practioner, globally diabetes is the third highest risk factor for early death, while high blood pressure and smoking are the 1st and 2nd risk factor.
Current local numbers are not available, but it can be compared to an iceberg where some cases of diabetes are known, but underneath the surface there are more cases of undiagnosed diabetes. The society has a joint responsibility in which all stakeholders will need to commit themselves to reduce these figures and therefor ease the burden.
To celebrate this day locally, the focus is on the Diabetic Foot and proper diabetic foot care. In some diabetics poor diabetic care can easily result in developing complications, like for instance a Diabetic Foot.
A diabetic is prone to nerve damage and poor circulation in the lower extremities. It is important that the feet are inspected on a regular basis, proper cleaning, drying and moisturizing of the feet as well as wearing appropriate shoes. Due to this nerve damage patients may have less sensation in their feet and will discover too late that they have a wound.
Some of the patients can develop ulcers at their feet, which are difficult to heal and in a worst case scenario a limb amputation will be necessary.
The General Practitioner points out that proper diabetic care consists out of teamwork between patient and care team, and parties must have a good understanding, respect and trust.
Organizations like the Diabetes Foundation Sent Maarten (DFS) are strong advocates for prevention of diabetes and as such provide free knowledge and awareness campaigns in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Social Development and Labour (VSA).
The yearly Lion Rudy Hoeve Health Fair is one of the main pillars in bringing health awareness to the general public about Diabetes and other diseases.
First step in beating Diabetes is to get a diagnosis, so you can learn to manage it. When in doubt, get checked by your healthcare provider.
If you already have developed Diabetes, self-management, education and treatment are important to prevent Diabetes complications like blindness, nerve damage and a diabetic foot.
Simple lifestyle measures can be effective in preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes. Having and maintaining normal body weight have regular physical activity, and eating a healthy diet can contribute in the prevention or delay of diabetes.
To raise more awareness and provide health information, CPS will be promoting awareness activities in collaboration with other stakeholders, leading up to and on April 7th.