Identity of the NDP Project Launched
The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams launched both the NDP Identity Project and the Community Dialogue program as part of the development of the National Development Plan at the University of St. Maarten on Thursday evening.
The Prime Minister urged the community to realize that the National Development Plan is about capturing the hopes and aspirations of the people of St. Maarten and channeling that into the development plan for the country; "It is through your help that we were able to establish the work group, it is through your help that we were able to train the NDP Champions and how we were able to establish the Steering Committee for the NDP. However, when we get started on Monday with going into the communities we will be entering a new phase regarding the development of our nation. We need to ask ourselves what it is that we are asking of the people of St. Maarten? This project is about developing, about building a nation and thus we need to ask ourselves how we can build a nation without involving the people; the people that pick up the nation. And so that process, the process of preparing, training and creating the interest is now behind us and those who have been equipped with the necessary tools to assist in this process of creating dialogue will now be starting their task. They will go into the communities to talk to the people rather than talking at the people; creating the dialogue so necessary for building our nation. This plan will include the ambitions and the aspirations of the people of St. Maarten.
"Again I want to thank those of you who will be a part of the process, the process of heading into the community in order to create the dialogue necessary to ensure the building of our nation, to ensure that the aspirations of the St. Maarten people are included in the plan. You will be challenged going forward as well; too often we like to see things to soon but this is a process we should be careful and steadfast in. This is not just another plan but one for the people and by the people. It is a pleasure knowing the challenges that we are facing but we know that we will get it right. We can celebrate what we have achieved and we should look forward to moving forward," commented Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.