CARPHA and PAHO to visit country in light of Chikungunya response interventions

Officials from the Collective Preventive Services (CPS), a government agency under the Ministry of Public Health, will welcome representatives from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) on Tuesday who will be on a five-day working visit to the country.


The overall objective of the visit is to review the current response to chikungunya by the Ministry of Public Health, and what assistance or resources can be provided to assist the Government’s current campaign to eliminate mosquito breeding areas throughout the country.

The initial request came from Sint Maarten’s Ministry of Public Health to PAHO, and the end result of the technical visit is the development of a response plan to chikungunya. The country has only one confirmed case to date.

Sint Maarten’s Ministry of Public Health is working closely with the Government of the Collectivity of French St. Martin and public health officials in a joint effort to eliminate mosquito breeding sites that lead to vector borne diseases such as chikungunya.

Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever says he welcomes the technical visit adding that the CARPHA/PAHO mission can only further strengthen the country’s capacities.

"Our associated membership with PAHO and our direct relationship with CARPHA allow us to call upon these regional international entities for technical assistance, capacity strengthening, networking and much more.

"Our relationship with all these organizations has been built by attending and participating in local, regional and international meetings, seminars and workshops. I am extremely grateful for their assistance and looking forward to continue working with them.

"There is no need to re-invent the wheel while we can call upon these international bodies that come with a whole wealth of public health experience for assistance. We live in a time of changing public health challenges and we must be prepared as a country to address them," Minister Hon. Cornelius de Weever said on Sunday.

The CARPHA/PAHO team will comprise of Dr. Babatunde Olowokure (CARPHA), Dr. Karen Polson. (CARPHA), Camille White (CARPHA), Dr. Pilar Ramón-Pardo (PAHO/WHO HQ), and Dr. Washington Lum (PAHO/WHO Venezuela).

The aforementioned specialist will review the surveillance systems for chikungunya detection and monitoring including establishing communication mechanisms with relevant national and international organizations and networks of experts.

The delegation will also want to raise awareness and improve healthcare provider’s capacity for early detection, adequate management, and timely reporting of suspected cases of chikungunya.

The CARPHA/PAHO health specialist will also determine whether capacity, capability and coordination procedures of laboratories including laboratory networking; and integrated vector management strategy and the entomological surveillance targeting known chikungunya vectors need to be strengthened.

At the end of the visit a draft report of their findings will be presented to the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour at a debriefing.

PHOTO CUTLINE: Minister Hon. Cornelius de Weever.