Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake says everything is in place and would like to remind residents and stakeholders about the second public consultation related to the drafting of development plans for Over the Pond and Suckergarden areas that will be held on Thursday, December 12.
The public consultation will take place Thursday, December 12 at 7.00pm at University of St. Martin, Philipsburg.
The process of the preparation of zoning plans in the format of public consultations is cardinal for the preparation of the aforementioned that meet the needs and expectations of the community of Sint Maarten, and specifically those of the important stakeholders such as the neighborhood community councils, home owners associations and other entities that serve a role in voicing the concerns of residents within the neighborhoods.
"This is a follow-up public consultation and the input of the community is considered paramount in this process and in order for the right choices to be made. The people have to have a say by giving their views with respect to the spatial development of the country," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Wednesday.