Minister Lake wishes small truckers happy thanksgiving

Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake would like to wish the small truckers a happy thanksgiving to them and their families.


Minister Lake is very pleased that the truckers are living up to the standards set by Ministry VROMI where it concerns the transportation of materials along the public road.

"I would like to thank the main contractor DEVCON for their full cooperation in supplying all relevant information to Ministry VROMI which facilitated the small truckers in being able to carry out their assigned transportation jobs.

"My back to basics approach is about creating job opportunities for the small man. Where there is an opportunity, the small man must benefit from the work. The transportation of sand to replenish parts of the Great Bay Beach was another job opportunity for small truckers.

"In the coming months more opportunities should become available and these will go towards small businesses which are the backbone of country Sint Maarten’s economy," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Wednesday.

PHOTO CUTLINE: Minister Maurice Lake