The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams crowned the newly chosen Miss India St. Maarten 2014 at a ceremony at the Maho Convention Center on Saturday. The Ceremony, which celebrated both the Indian heritage of the contestants and the pride they felt to be from St. Maarten, crowned Miss Kiran Jivnani to represent St. Maarten at the Miss India World Pageant in New Zealand in 2014.
The Prime Minister particularly lauded the pride the three contests had in their Indian heritage but also in the fact that they were all St. Maarteners; "I would like to thank all of the organizers for pulling off this show and showing the unity that makes St. Maarten such a special place; all the contestants were were wonderful and it shows that amongst our diversity this community is being brought together by events like these, where all the participants have put St. Maarten in addition to their Indian heritage front and center. Congratulations to Miss India St. Maarten Miss Kiran Jivnani and indeed all contestants.