National Development Plan Workshop objective is to create awareness and consult stakeholders

A workshop is slated for March 7 at the University of St. Martin (USM) with approximately 50 stakeholders to develop a National Development Plan (NDP).

The Government, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), has embarked on a project to create a NDP.

The goal of the NDP is to guide the strategic development of Sint Maarten within the medium to long term. The agreed basis for developing a NDP is through a national visioning process that will engage all sectors of Sint Maarten society.

The objective of a national visioning process is to ensure that development trajectory of the country is in accordance with a vision that the people of Sint Maarten aspire to.

Those partaking in the workshop are general and key stakeholders from the private sector and civil society organizations including Secretary General’s, and Ministry officials (Department Heads, Senior Program/Policy Advisors).

The selection of the stakeholders was based on a stakeholder analysis undertaken by the project team from the Department of Interior and Kingdom Relations (BAK).

The main objectives of the workshop are to raise awareness; consult stakeholders on the implementation strategy; engage stakeholders in a SWOT analysis and production of a fact sheet; and consult stakeholders over the appointment process of private sector and civil society members on the Steering Committee.