Rights of The Child is an International event which will be celebrated also on St. Maarten. Purpose of this is to bring the awareness to the Community at large of this very important event supported by UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUNDS.
All Children should be put in the spot light. Acknowledging the rights & Obligations of the Youths.
To mark this event, the Department of Youth & Sport in collaboration with the Northern Side of St. Maarten, Anguilla, Saba, and St. Eustatius will be organizing next to other youth programs a sports Day. This year the host will be the Administration of Dutch Side of St. Maarten. We will be hosting 140 visitors per Team. This sports day will take place on November 26th 2011.
EVENTS & SUPPORT: On this sports day, athletes will be taking part in the following sports. Tennis, Cricket, Netball, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Swimming and Track & Field. Age brackets of the youth taking part are from 8 to 18 years boys & Girls. All local associations, Federations and GYM TEACHERS of all school will be charged with assisting the organizing committee with the coordination of these games. This can be seen as a first attempt dry run for the hosting of the Kingdom Games and other Games in the Future. This one day program, the Right of the Child will start at 9:00am at the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex and Close at 3:30pm. We are asking all parents Teachers foundations and businesses to come out and cheer on all youths, in particular your own.
SCHEDUAL & PROTOCAL: Teams from Saba, St. Eustatius and Anguilla are expected to arrive on the Island by 8:30 am. Where they will be picked up and transported to the Rauol Illidge Sports Complex where the Official Opening and Closing will take place, By the Honorable Ministers of Education Culture Sports & Youth accompanied by the Minister of Health.
At 9:45 am sections of athletes will be transported to the different accommodations where they will be competing with each other. These accommodations are: The Raoul Illidge Sports Complex soccer track and Tennis facility, Bellaire Center Swimming Facility, Caribe Lumber Cricket Field, Lionel Bernard Scott Sports Auditorium, and the Mel ford Hazel sport facility.
LUNCH: At 12:00 Noon all athletes and support groups will have lunch. At 1:00 pm competition will resume and be finalized at 3:00pm where all athletes will receive a commemorative medal for their participation and results will be given and busses will then transport all persons back to their respective destinations.
Where the next Island / country will start preparing for the next year of the rights of the Child.
THANK YOU: A big thank you goes out to all businesses who has made this event possible.