Community event Nov. 6 for 50 years Capt. Leo Chance pier

The Captain Leo A.I. Chance pier at the Fort Bay harbor will mark its 50 th anniversary and the Saba
community is invited to celebrate this on Sunday, November 6.
The pier and the harbor are Saba’s lifeline and to celebrate that 50 years ago, on November 8, 1972, the
pier was officially opened, the Public Entity Saba is inviting the entire population to come out and
celebrate this momentous occasion. The community event is from 10:00am to 15:00pm. There will be
food and drinks. The entertainment will be provided by In the Mix Band and DJ Kevin.
The official part is scheduled from 10:00am-10:45am and includes speeches, and the presentation of
two awards of recognition. The family of former Minister of Traffic and Transport of the Netherlands
Antilles Leo Chance will receive an award. As then Minister, Chance was instrumental in the decision-
taking and the securing of the necessary funding to construct the pier. He inaugurated the pier on his
40 th birthday and on November 8, 2022, he turns 90, making it an even more special celebration.
The second award will go to former harbor master Alva Hassell for his valuable contribution to the
harbor for many years. Also, a new, more captivating sign to welcome people to Saba and the Capt. Leo
Chance pier will be unveiled during the festivities on November 6.
On November 8, the actual day of the 50 th anniversary, an interview with former Commissioner and local
historian Will Johnson about the history of Saba’s harbor and transport will be released.