Subject: Statement Governor Eugene Holiday on the passing of Acting Governor Reynold Groenveldt.

I was saddened to learn of the passing of my colleague, acting Governor Reynold Groeneveldt. With his passing Sint Maarten has suffered a great loss.
Originally an educator Reynold Groeneveldt went on to become a legal scholar, respected attorney, and champion of our constitution. Mr. Groeneveldt was a proud Sint Maartener who served his country in various capacities. He was acting lieutenant governor during the constitutional transition in 2010. On October 10, 2010, Mr. Groeneveldt became the first acting Governor and was reappointed in 2016. In that capacity my staff and I could always count on him to hold the fort during my absence. His profound passion for the office was evident during many of our conversations behind closed doors. He was a proud and generous Sint Maartener who was always willing to share his time and knowledge.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Glenda, his daughter Angela, and all the people of Sint Maarten who hold Reynold Groeneveldt dear.
He will be dearly missed.