Due to Technical Difficulties Causeway Bridge Closed to Maritime Traffic

The Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority (SLAC) would like to inform maritime operators, owners, and the community that the Causeway Bridge is closed to maritime traffic until further notice.SLAC apologizes to…

Subject: Statement Governor Eugene Holiday on the passing of Acting Governor Reynold Groenveldt.

I was saddened to learn of the passing of my colleague, acting Governor Reynold Groeneveldt. With his passing Sint Maarten has suffered a great loss.Originally an educator Reynold Groeneveldt went…

COM of St. Maarten offers deepest condolences on the passing of Acting Governor Reynold Groeneveldt

The Council of Ministers (COM) was deeply shocked and saddened upon learning of the passing of the Acting Governor Reynold Groeneveldt, who served the country for the past 12 years…

Minister Dennis Wiersma, voor Primair en Voortgezet Onderwijs, bezoekt van 29 mei tot en met 4 juni Caribisch Nederland

De minister voor Primair en Voortgezet Onderwijs, de heer Dennis Wiersma, brengt een kennismakingsbezoek aan Saba, Sint Eustatius en Bonaire van 29 mei tot en met 4 juni a.s.Minister Wiersma:…

Minister Dennis Wiersma, pa Edukashon Primario i Sekundario, ta bishitá Hulanda Karibense di 29 di mei pa 4 di yüni

E Minister pa Edukashon Primario i Sekundario, señor Dennis Wiersma, ta hiba un bishita introduktorio na Saba, Sint Eustatius i Boneiru di 29 di mei te ku 4 di yüni.Minister…

Minister Dennis Wiersma, for Primary and Secondary Education, will visit the Caribbean Netherlands from 29 May to 4 June

The Minister for Primary and Secondary Education, Mr. Dennis Wiersma, will pay an introductory visit to Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire from 29 May to 4 June.Minister Wiersma: “Every child…

ODM: Stage being set for Busy Hurricane Season. Time to Check/Restock Your Disaster Supply Kit

 On Tuesday, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued its forecast for the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, predicting an above-normal season being caused by an on-going La Nina…


The annual Governor’s Youth Awards for Excellence are special distinctions granted by the Governor of Sint Maarten. The awards give recognition to young persons of Sint Maarten who between the…

Ministry VROMI Commences with Pruning of Mangrove Trees on Wednesday

The Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning, and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI), announces that from Wednesday, May 25, 2022, until May 30, 2022, work will commence with the pruning…

Dekkingsgraad pensioenfondsen stabiel Aanvullende aanpassingen nodig voor meer duurzaamheid pensioensector

De gemiddelde dekkingsgraad van de pensioensector is verbeterd tot 106,1% in 2020, een stijging van 0,5% ten opzichte van het voorgaande jaar. Dit is ruim boven de door de Centrale…