TelEm has provided much needed internet support to the Vaccination Management Team’s (VMT) “Pop Up Vaccination” community initiative.
As planning is underway for more community vaccination events, TelEm has provided multiple mobile internet devices which can be used during community outreach efforts across various locations.
The device donations were timely as Collective Prevention Services (CPS) from the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA) held its first community Pop-Up clinic in Belvedere on May 8th and they were quickly able to register persons on-site.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, TelEm has supported government’s COVID-19 campaign in multiple ways including the creation of the 914 COVID-19 help line which is free to the public, multilingual pamphlets which were disseminated throughout the community, COVID-19 awareness billboards, and they also continue to facilitate broadcasts of official COVID-19 information via SMS to subscribers.
“I am humbled and appreciative for all TelEm has done and continues to do in supporting our Government’s COVID-19 campaign,” said Minister of VSA Omar Ottley.
The next “Pop Up Vaccination” will be in Cole Bay on May 22 at the Orange Grove Shopping Center, Orange Grove Pharmacy from 9.00AM to 2.00PM.